How can I set up an offshore company?
To set up an offshore company, you need to invest in a company with this profile. These companies are in contact with registration offices who will register the company on the spot. It is very important to note that offshore companies are subject to different rules than a traditionally domestically registered company. The details of these companies are not available on any public website. There is an online company information service in these countries, but only and exclusively for companies that are locally established and taxable.
The owner of the company cannot deal directly with the court. Each company has a registered agent, which is indicated in the company's constitutional documents. This is usually the registering company or another company or person with an interest in the registering company. Any claim the company has should be made here and they will be able to enforce it. These companies are specifically licensed for this activity and are under strict supervision. Only these firms can legally make any changes to a company. A very large number of these firms do not deal with individual clients, only with partners, lawyers and other service providers, where they can tap into clients who may need to set up an offshore company.
Starting an offshore company step by step
Going back to the original question, if you have found a company whose profile is offshore incorporation, you will need 3 company names, personal documents of the director(s), shareholder(s) and, in the case of a nominee director and shareholder, the details of the founders. The need for 3 company names is justified by the fact that, as with a domestic registration, if you accidentally choose the name of an existing company, it will be rejected by the court in any case. However, thanks to the 3 options, the company can be registered with the second name or, subsequently, the third name.
The company will then draw up the memorandum and articles of association, which will be used to register the company. The next day, the Registry of Companies issues the Certificate of Incorporation, which proves the company's registration. The director is appointed, shares are issued and all the necessary documents are drawn up. The company's documents are then marked with Apostille. Every country does this in a different place. In Hungary, the Hungarian National Chamber of Notaries is the authority to certify, while in Seychelles it is the Supreme Court. Once these last steps have been taken, an international courier company will deliver the documents, which the incorporator can collect from the adviser he has appointed.
However, you should always consult an expert before setting up an offshore company. For more information on the offshore company formation for more information, please feel free to contact.